Commercial Programs
Commercial cattle producers hold the key for the future of the Angus business.

The American Angus Association and its members are proud to offer comprehensive programs and services aimed at improving productivity and profitability in the commercial sector of the cattle industry.

Outlined in this section are ways to make the most out of each registered Angus animal in your inventory. Take a minute to explore tips and resources for management, genomic tools, marketing, news and information.

Headlines provided by the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA, a free, monthly enewsletter produced with commercial cattlemen in mind.


Buyers of registered Angus bulls receive access to AAA Login, the Association’s online recordkeeping service. By using their customer code at, commercial producers are able to view weekly expected progeny differences (EPDs), manage their bull inventory, record calf records in the electronic calving book, update their AngusSource Marketing document, and order and view results for GeneMax DNA tests. AAA Login also serves as a portal to accessing the commercial-based records service, BRS, as well as MaternalPlus.

MaternalPlus® is a whole-herd reporting program that can be used by commercial producers, and the reports derived from individual dam and calf data add value for profit-driven cattle producers. Building a cow herd with longevity and fertility, along with superior genetics, requires a thorough herd analysis. Start building a solid foundation in your herd by enrolling in MaternalPlus.

Beef Record Service or BRS, provides a system for commercial producers to keep performance records on their animals, regardless of breed composition. These records can help producers make selection decisions about their herd. Producers can submit information on their herd, including sire information, breeding records, calving and weaning data, and any additional performance or carcass data collected on their calves. This data can be submitted, viewed, and sorted via your computer online, or can also be submitted and returned on paper forms, printable from this site, or available through the Association.

The Angus Optimal Milk Module is also a valuable tool for commercial producers. It allows you to input your current average cow weight and cow herd milking level, as well as your annual estimated pasture and feed costs to arrive at a milk EPD range matched to your needs.

The Association’s Sire Evaluation Report is available in an online, easy-to-search format that allows breeders to quickly access performance information and genetic evaluations for the breed’s leading sires. There, users can also browse genetic trends, breed averages and descriptions for a variety of EPDs, dollar-indexes and more.

Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB)
Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) also provides management tips for producers targeting quality. Tips available at include EPD recommendations from the brand; identifying top-performing, quality calves; selecting for disposition; AIing; and more. It also includes the popular Best Management Practices manuals for both cow-calf producers, and stockers and backgrounders. Commercial cattlemen wanting to document the value of their calves also have access to a wide variety of marketing tips from Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB), including tips for selecting the right feedlot, marketing on the grid and in niche markets. Access breakeven calculators for calf and fed cattle prices as well.

Genomic Tools

DNA technology is changing the way cattlemen approach selection decisions on the ranch. Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) is dedicated to providing the latest genomic tools available to the beef cattle business. Learn how to properly take a DNA sample, submit results and more all on the AGI section of the website.

The GeneMax DNA tool, offered in partnership with AGI and Zoetis, gives commercial producers the insight they need to make more reliable selection decisions.

GeneMax Advantage
GeneMax Advantage is also intended for use in prospective commercial Angus replacement heifers or cows. Test features include ten individually reported traits and three multi-trait economic indexes expressed as simple Advantage scores, smart reporting for genetic outliers and optional sire assignment.

Learn more about options available through AGI at


Do you want to purchase third party verified feeder calves enrolled in AngusLink? Click here to see calves available.

Find AngusLink Calves by joining our weekly email list. Click here to receive our twice weekly email showing when and where third-party verified AngusLink calves will sell.

AngusLink USDA Process Verified

News & Information

Stay up-to-date with the latest industry information through the Angus Beef Bulletin, published with commercial cattlemen in mind and offered free of charge. Subscribe online, and while you are there, you can also submit your email address to receive the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. The electronic newsletter is sent monthly and covers the latest in market trends, herd management, health and many other important topics.

Stay connected with the Certified Angus Beef® brand through a weekly blog featuring columns from industry experts, research and white papers, social media, access to informational videos and other news on marketing Angus-sired calves to reach their full potential.

More news and information for all producers — from seedstock breeders to feeders — is available through the industry’s largest communications center, Angus Media.

Contact and Questions

Contact any one of our Commercial Programs Administrators via email at or phone at 816.383.5100 or use their direct extension today to learn more about AngusLink and Genetic Merit Scores.

For more information or questions about accessing online commercial herd management tools, transfer requests, DNA testing, marketing opportunities and more, contact the American Angus Association.

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American Angus Association | 3201 Frederick Ave, Saint Joseph, MO 64506 | 816-383-5100 | ©Copyright 2024, All rights reserved.