Frequently asked questions about the world's largest beef breed registry
1.What is a Performance Registration Certificate (PRC)?
Click here to learn more about the Performance Registration Certificate.
2.When and where were Angus cattle first seen in the United States?

George Grant imported four Angus bulls from Scotland to Victoria, Kansas, in 1873. The black polled bulls, probably from the herd of George Brown of Westertown, Fochabers, Scotland, made a lasting impression on the U.S. beef industry.Today, the breed forms the majority of the U.S. cow herd thanks to the commitment of American Angus Association breeders and their commercial customers. Their stories, Angus news, important updates, videos and event coverage is available at the Association’s comprehensive web site,
3. How many Angus cattle were registered last year?

300,761 head of Angus cattle were registered in fiscal 2023, which ended Sept. 30.
4.What states have the most Angus cattle?

The top ten states in registrations for the 2023 fiscal year were:
Montana 29,891
Nebraska 26,204
Texas 23,486
South Dakota 21,231
Missouri 18,060
Kansas 16,813
Oklahoma 15,664
North Dakota 14,973
Iowa 11,860
Tennessee 10,162
5. How do I join the American Angus Association?
There are five types of Association memberships available: life, regular, junior, non-resident and affiliate. Membership applications can be accessed online at or by contacting the Association. A lifetime membership to the American Angus Association costs $1,500. Membership lasts throughout the life of the sole person named on the membership form, and payments may be broken into three non-refundable yearly installments. Lifetime memberships can be issued to one person only, and are not meant for partnerships. The membership option may be used for a farm name, provided only one person is included on the membership.A lifetime membership to the American Angus Association costs $1,500. Membership lasts throughout the life of the sole person named on the membership form, and payments may be broken into three non-refundable yearly installments. Lifetime memberships can be issued to one person only, and are not meant for partnerships. The membership option may be used for a farm name, provided only one person is included on the membership.

A one-year regular membership for $80 may be issued in the name of an individual, a farm or ranch name, a partnership or a corporation. Annual renewal of regular membership is $80. For an additional $50, members receive the Angus Journal®, the official publication of the American Angus Association.

Junior membership is available to young Angus breeders until they are 21 years old. Junior membership dues are $20 annually. Juniors may register and transfer Angus animals under the same rules as regular members. They can also participate in the National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) and may use Association tools and services.

Residents of countries other than the U.S., its territories or possessions, or Canada may apply to become non-resident members of the Association. Non-resident membership dues are $80 annually. Non-resident members register and transfer Angus under the same rules as regular members.

Affiliate memberships are for individuals and entities that have a registered animal transferred into their name. Affiliate members may participate in all phases of the Angus Herd Improvement Records (AHIR®) program, but they do not have rights to register cattle or to participate in the Association’s election of delegates.
6.What attributes make the Angus breed more desirable than other breeds?
Angus cattle offer producers significant advantages through superior genetics; data; programs and services; and people of the breed.
  • Genetics -- Highly demanded Angus genetics continue to put more dollars in your pocket. Studies show Angus animals bring more at auctions than non-Angus contemporaries thanks in part to their well-earned reputation for feed efficiency and superior beef. The low-maintenance breed is known for calving ease and maternal characteristics, and cattlemen save time and expense with naturally polled, black Angus calves. Today, Angus and Angus-cross cattle represent the majority of the total U.S. cow herd, with more than 60% of commercial cattle producers reporting their herds as Angus.
  • Data — With more than 20 million cattle records, the American Angus Association database is the largest of its kind among beef breeds. Extensive performance programs are geared toward both purebred and commercial producers, providing a wide range of selection tools to evaluate genetic needs.

    The Association incorporates DNA technology with pedigree and performance data to create genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (EPDs). Genomic-enhanced EPDs are calculated and released to breeders on a weekly basis.

    The Association’s information management system allows the organization to accept electronic data submissions from breeders while providing 24-hour turnaround time on all registrations, transfers, memberships and performance data.
  • Programs and Services — The American Angus Association and its entities dedicate numerous supporting programs and services toward the success of Angus ranchers and farmers.

    Helping individuals capitalize on the value of Angus genetics, the Association formed the first branded beef program 1978. Today, the world-renowned Certified Angus Beef® brand is the largest branded beef program, topping a recordsetting 663 million pounds of CAB product in FY 2009.

    The Association’s third party verification program is AngusLink. This USDA Process Verified Program has a base claim of age and source. Producers have the option to add additional claims such as Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC), NeverEver 3 (NE3), Calf Management (CM), Angus Verified (AV) and finally Cattle Care and Handling (CCH). Feeder calves infused with quality Angus genetics should consider adding Genetic Merit Scores to their enrollment. While not part of the PVP program Genetic Merit Scores can increase the market-ability of your feeder calves by utilizing an index scoring system for gain and carcass merit. Visit with one of the 13 regional managers across the United States or the commercial programs department to learn more.

    The National Junior Angus Association continues to be the largest in the world, with more than 6,000 active members. The Angus Foundation serves as one of the most active non-profit organizations in animal agriculture. Angus Media continues to offer award-winning publications, online services, and advertising opportunities. And Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) provides services to assist the beef industry in the genetic evaluation of cattle traits.

  • People — Angus isn’t just a breed of cattle or another menu item. Behind the familiar name are the farmers and ranchers who remain committed to unprecedented quality and a progressive spirit. The American Angus Association has been built by the diversity and strength of its members and its network of commercial partners, feeders, retailers and others.
7.What are Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs)? What are $Value indexes?
Expected progeny differences, or EPDs, are a highly accurate means of predicting how an animal’s offspring will perform. They describe genetic differences between animals within a breed. For example, a bull’s birth weight EPD will help predict how much his offspring will weigh at birth in relation to the birth weight of an average Angus calf. EPDs are based on the performance of the animal and performance of its ancestors, relatives and progeny. $Value indexes are multi-trait selection indexes, expressed in dollars per head, to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.
8.What are the requirements for the Certified Angus Beef® (CAB) brand?
Live cattle must be Angus-influenced: have a predominately (51%) solid black hide to be eligible for CAB evaluation. They must meet all of the 10 following criteria to be certified by USDA graders and labeled with the Certified Angus Beef® brand:
  • Modest or higher marbling
  • Medium to fine marbling texture
  • "A" maturity (both lean & skeletal)
  • 10- to 16-square-inch ribeye area
  • 1,050 pounds hot carcass weight or less
  • 1-inch or less fat thickness
  • Superior muscling (limits light-muscled cattle)
  • Practically free of capillary rupture
  • No dark cutters
  • No neck hump exceeding 2 inches
9. How is CAB connected to the American Angus Association?
CAB is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Association. The oversight of CAB’s nine-member CAB Board of Directors—which consists of the Association’s CEO, CAB president and seven members of its board—and a strong team of dedicated employees work with the Association to promote the breed, assist producers and ensure quality throughout the beef supply chain.
10.How do I contact Certified Angus Beef LLC?
Information concerning CAB can be found on the Internet at If you want to find more about the product or purchase product, visit

To learn more about CAB specifications, licensed feedlot partners, supply development activities or to order products and purchase merchandise, go online or call CAB in Wooster, Ohio, at 1-800-225-2333.
11. What are the benefits of joining the National Junior Angus Association?
The National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) offers a world of opportunities to youth. Members of the NJAA are eligible to:
  • Register cattle with the Association
  • Receive two issues of the Angus Journal annually
  • Participate in junior activities including conferences, shows and other contests
  • Compete in showmanship
  • Receive officer & director leadership training
  • Apply for national Junior Recognition Awards and Scholarships
12. Where can I find names and addresses of Angus producers?
Names and contact information of Angus producers can be found on the Association web site at, by clicking on the member search option. Ranches that have registered their Web sites with can be found through "member links" on the site.

In addition, many registered Angus breeders advertise in the Angus Journal. They can be found in the advertiser's index. For a subscription, visit or call 816-383-5200.
13. How can I use the Association web site to find Angus cattle for sale and advertise my own cattle for sale?
The Association web site,, hosts a complete listing of upcoming Angus sales and events, sale books and sale reports. Click here to view a sortable, online listing of AngusLink enrolled feeder calves that will be selling at auction or from the ranch or visit our Facebook page AngusLink Marketing.

Value-added programs have become more common over the last year. The American Angus Association continues to be producer focused by offering AngusLink, a USDA Process Verified Program (PVP), that has a base claim of age and source verification along with an ala carte selection of additional claims, producers can mix and match to fit their management on their ranch. Those claims include Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC), NeverEver 3 (NE3), Angus Verified (AV), Cattle Care and Handling (CCH) and Calf Management (CM).

Feeder calves that are predominately Angus-sired can convey the genetic value of those calves by utilizing Genetic Merit Scores. There are three scores that give potential buyers a genetic snapshot of your feeder calves potential. To learn more about the Genetic Merit Score system click here.
14. What kind of technological tools are available for Angus producers?
The Association offers a wealth of technological resources and services. AAA Login and Angus Information Management Software (AIMS) are two primary tools that can simplify herd management. Both tools, designed and written by the Association, provide convenient access to herd information and data.
AAA Login is a free, online tool that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Association members may create a password-protected user profile by visiting AAA Login. The profile allows members to submit registrations, transfers and AHIR data to the Association. In addition, it provides access to up-to-date pedigrees, performance data and EPDs/$Values. It also offers the convenience of electronic payment for member dues, and Association accounts, including Angus Media.

AIMS is a Windows®-based herd management tool. It allows producers to compile and store herd info—including sales, health, income and expense records, as well as breeding data—in one location. It can also serve as a database for storing customer names. AIMS is used to simplify AHIR info, which can be transmitted by disk or e-mail. It offers a simulated breeding feature to assist in sire selection, and helps predict EPDs for calves from a selected sire. Ratios, rankings and adjusted weights can also be calculated. Updated EPDs/$Values for all your animals are also available.

For more information about these tools, click on the AIMS or AAA Login links at Contact for more information about AAA Login. For more information about AIMS or to purchase this tool, e-mail

Producers can also use the Association’s Web site to access other useful technological tools. To access these tools, visit and click on the “datasearches/tools” link.
15. Where can I purchase Angus merchandise?
Angus merchandise can be purchased from the Association, the Angus Foundation and the American Angus Auxiliary.
The Association’s communications department sells various Angus merchandise such as clocks, flags, decals, pens, prints of Angus artwork, tattoo kits and calf scales. Contact the communications department for a list of available items or visit

The Angus Foundation offers a variety of Angus-themed wearables. An Angus history book and various artwork is also for sale. Contact the Foundation for details or check out

Angus-themed gifts are available from the Auxiliary. Items can be ordered by going to to view the online catalog.
16. What are tattoos and does the Association require them?
Proper identification at birth is essential to maintain accurate herd records. The Association requires every animal to be permanently identified in order to be eligible for registration. The Association accepts tattoo marks, freeze-branded marks and hot-branded marks as forms of “permanent identification.”
Tattoos are an effective way to identify cattle. They are permanent and accurate when correctly applied. When tattooed correctly, an animal will have a tattoo in the upper third of each ear, centered horizontally.

Tattoo equipment is available from the Association.
17. What is the role of a regional manager?
The 13 regional managers are full-time staff members of the American Angus Association. They work with cattle breeders in their designated regions to promote Angus cattle, improve management practices and assist breeders who want to get started in the Angus business. Regional managers also work with breeders to make sure their advertising needs are being met through the Angus Journal and Angus Beef Bulletin.

Regional managers can often be found working Angus sales and shows or representing the Association at livestock conventions.

Anyone needing assistance is encouraged to contact regional managers. Click here for the list of Regional Managers.
American Angus Association | 3201 Frederick Ave, Saint Joseph, MO 64506 | 816-383-5100 | ©Copyright 2024, All rights reserved.